Friday, June 10, 2011

Africa Blog

Hey everyone, this site is where the students (and alumni) will blog while in Africa. For those who don't know what to expect, this will simply be a place the students write entries about their experience so far while in Africa; being updated via laptop or iPad when we find areas with WiFi. Hopefully we are capable of not only uploading text entries to the page, but will also be capable of including photos and videos.
To stay up to date with entries, you can either hit the "follow" tab, or just check in every couple days.

-Steve Strehl


  1. First full day on the ground under the influence of your own bipedal motion. We are all excited to hear that you landed safely on the continent and made it to Augrabies NP... well, most of you. So very devastated to hear of Thomas's mishap and finger surgery (David and Heidi to the rescue). We are thinking of all of you, and saying a special prayer for Thomas (and Becky and Andy) for a fast recovery. Watch out for one another...have fun - The Berry's

  2. Yes! All are anxious to hear about what is happening so far, far away. Write soon.

    The Fitzpatricks Hi Joe!

  3. The weather seems to be chilly overnight and warm during the day. Just what the doctor ordered. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. Hello Connor! The Purks

  4. Bruins won, Weiner resigned, Ritchie got his Iphone. Love and miss you Stevie!

  5. darn kids.... they're having too much fun to blog! Hi Kate!

  6. Happy Father's Day Alan and David.
    Alec - kiss your Dad for me.... Mom

  7. If I don't hear something soon I will be on the next plane! You know I will Stevie.

  8. Happy Fathers day to all. Keep your eyes ,ears, hearts and minds open to this adventure. Look out fir eachother and have a great time . Take lots of pictures. All good at home. House quieter , not as funny with you gone. Miss you, love you

  9. Happy Fathers Day to all you dads missing their sons and daughters! We are enjoying following the travels on a large map and Internet. They are having a life-changing adventure! Mike & Amy

  10. David G, some of the artwork is down. Keep an eye out for Richard Parker. We love you! Mom & Dad.

  11. Read updates from other families. Assuming all is well and the group is having a wonderful experience. Hey Nick!

  12. I want to be in South Africa!!!

  13. Steve, saw you bought things in Namibia I replenished your account. Also, FYI Huntsman announced his candidacy. Love you, have fun.

  14. Connor. Great to talk to you tonight. We loaded funds as well on your visa card. Hope you can wash your stinky socks soon. Miss you.

  15. Hi Forrest! I'm so glad you were able to reach Dad on the phone. Sounds like you are having a fantastic experience! I saw you did some shopping and were running a little low on funds (visa) so it's been reloaded. Love you - Mom.

  16. Hi Nicole, Loved the Father's Day gift. Hope you're having a great time. We've been following the places you've been on the web and they look amazing. Take lots of pictures - we can't wait to see them. Love you, Mom and Dad

  17. David, missing you! I hope you are remembering to journal. Can't wait to hear your stories. Dad is fishing in Idaho,Pat is at Lake Powell! You in Africa..I miss my men!
    Love, Mom

  18. Joe!

    So glad you called. So happy all is well. Let CO that we had heard from you.

    Call anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lots of love.

    Mom, Dad, and Grace

  19. Kate, your voice was music on Sunday morning. Wish you were here... no... wish I was there. The Readers Digest version of the past 2 weeks was great, can't wait for the expanded version. At the half way point... so much still ahead. Give David, Heidi, Alan, Polly, Laura and Anthony a hug from us all for leading the way. Take good care, xoxoxox mom & dad

  20. Kenzie
    Hope your are well. We miss hearing from you, but assume no news is good news. Call when you get a free minute, although we suspect every minute is full of new experiences. So, enjoy and know your are loved and missed.
    Dad and Marti
