Monday, June 27, 2011

Greetings From Swakopmund!

Hey everyone, I know you have been all waiting for a post from this blog, as I have been waiting for the chance to write something. First off let me say I am sorry I haven't found an internet cafe until this morning, and that is the reason you have not seen any activity. Apparently third world countries are not that connected. But I have a 10 minute time limit so lets see what I can pump out:
To all those loving and caring parents (hopefully all of you) NO SERIOUS INJURIES! So that is a success. The majority of us have scrapes and bruises from seeing how far we could jump down a sand dune on the coast on our way to Swakopmund. So I assure you there is nothing to worry.
All of us travellers met several other students from Namibia and traded contacts, and several have already added us on facebook. We discussed our cultural differences and found many simmilarities picking up on some fantastic slang words.
We have seen Lions, Cheetas, Elephants, Rhinos, Zebra. We have also ate Gemsbok, Springbok, Ostrich, Kudu, and Impala.
We have been on game drives, we have been sand boarding, swimming, seen different cities and towns. We have climbed mountains, dunes, and waterfalls. We have waken to stunningly beautiful sunrises, and picture perfect sunsets.
I hope to post again soon with more detail, as there are so many experiences and sights I have left in the back of my memory card. With a minute left I am closing this blog for the time being letting you know THIS TRIP HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING I THOUGHT OF AFRICA. (all positive) So I apoligize if there are misspelled words or poor grammar. But T.I.A., and all is well.


  1. Read the post from Stevie three times and was still impressed with how much the group has seen and done. Glad that they finally were able to post something for all of us here at home. THANKS STEVIE!
    Hey Nick the dogs miss you...and they don't want any new pets from South Africa.

  2. It is so great to receive this blog… finally the planets aligned and you had web access (albeit only 10 minutes) thanks for taking the time to write this post. You have all experienced so much so far… and you are only half way, so much still lies ahead! The stars were great last night; I know we are looking at some of the same ones. The 4th of July is coming up; hope the plan is for some celebration. Miss you all. ps… Greeley would probably love a new pet from South Africa! ~Therese Berry


    Great photo of Dune45 that I believe they climbed early to watch the sunset.

  4. WOW... Dune 45 is probably forever burned into their memory! I would definitely rise in the early AM to watch the sunrise from atop this dune, thanks for sharing Amy. Missing the kids...
