Friday, July 8, 2011

Greetings From Cape Town (and Khayalitsha)

Sorry for the late update but the last couple days have been full of activity. We arrived in Cape Town late on July 4th and quickly rested up for our big day with Sporting Chance. We woke up around 5 to make 240 PB&J's for the kids and a sandwich each for ourselves (which most students gave away to the coaches). From our hostel we took our faithful truck named "Marylin" to the Khayalitsha township to help in the clinic the organzation was putting on. We drove past many townships on the way, but Khayalitsha was the most humbling that we came across. When we arrived at the field we went straight to work, separating into three groups: Netball, Rugby, and Soccer. Each group rotated through every sport, participating in drills, games, and coaching. We got the chance to become familiarized with sports like rugby and netball, and the techniques behind them.
Once the clinic was finished, the kids gathered on delapedated bleachers and began to sing, chant, clap, and stomp while we sat amongst them in awe. From there we began to pass out our pre-made lunches to the participants and coaches and any other township kid passing by.
With a backdrop of razor wire and tin-roofed houses we felt at home in the smiles of the talented kids while we moved onto streetball. Local Police shut down the broken road and we separted into teams once again with team names such as "Mufasa", "Netherlands", "Spain", and "Brazil." Three of our students matched up with three of the participants to make a team, many without shoes for the glass filled gutters. Several pairs of shoes were handed out from our Land Rovers and two pairs of nets were set up to begin the games.
After the final game we gathered to take pictures of the teams, and hand out a check of 1500 Rand to sporting chance. With kids hanging on our backs and dancing with us, it was hard to leave the people we had grown so fond of. Coaches invited us to Mzoli's Meat, a local braai in another township that provided us with some of the most savory, delicous meat including Lamb, Chicken, and Sausage. With stomaches and hearts filled we departed from a place we have every intention to return to.

Stephen Strehl, Jay Jensen, and Kate Berry

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love hearing from you once again... Your recount of sporting in Khayalitsha with the local kids is marvelous. I have a very vivid image in my mind from your description. While you might be able to imagine staying another month in a land you seem to have grown so fond of, your friends and families at home are quite anxious to see you. Monday can not come fast enough...we can;t wait to share all your stories! Happy trails homeward!
