Friday, July 8, 2011

Quick Post

Here is a quick post about some random events:

The Shark Diving group saw 4 different sharks today out at False Bay in South Africa. The biggest one at 14 feet brushed the cage scaring the hell out of all the people in it.

Everyone is excited to be sleeping in beds again.

Nobody is seriously injured. Again, just scrapes and bruises.

Nick Brown has managed to go 8 days without shoes. Including walking through the mall, border crossings, hikes, dinner, a prison, and all over downtown.

David Griffin, Che Diaz, and Jazz Vitale have managed to backflip off about everything including cars, fire pits, and sand ledges.

Amazing pictures from everybody. Expect 2000+ facebook posts.

Adam Weaver is still adorable as ever.

Connor Purk has adopted the nickname "Ronnie" after his Jersey Shore doppleganger.

There are arguments over everything. Including PB&J thieves.

Jay Jensen and Kate Berry have come together to form our new friend "Jerry"

I discovered that Stephen Hemmersmeier is the perfect child and his parents must be so lucky.

A Baboon rode on top of our truck for a mile, and not many people were surprised... This is Africa.

Alec Walker can make Che laugh like a little girl.

We are continually complained about for loudness.

Kenzie Gaylord and Sylvia Austin are still best friends forever.

We have seen Nelson Mandela's jail cell.

We have experienced the Cape of Good Hope.

Never eat at Wimpy's.

KFC is everywhere!!

We rafted the Orange River.

We saw the Green Lantern in a theater. It is easily the worst movie anybody has ever seen.

We have bartered prices down at markets by adopting alternative nationalities including Mexican, Australian, and Canadian.

We managed to get laundry done.

We managed to make Namibian friends who have already added us on facebook.

We have managed to make an Austrialian friend as well.

We have also pissed a whole lot of people off with our Americanism.

We created the mud people tribe.

And many of us have discovered our spirit animals.

Gotta Love Africa.

(Sorry this is simple, but several students sit in front of me wanting to check their facebooks as if they were meeting up with an old friend after 30 years. I tried to fit what I could in here and hope it was a little informative. Just be excited for the photos your kids will show you, and the experiences they will share with you. We have 1 full day left. We plan to hike table mountain, and eat dinner in a botanical garden. As for all of us here at the Sunflower Stop computer room, have a nice day, and stay classy Cape Town.)

-Stephen Strehl

1 comment:

  1. Stevie this makes me miss you so much. I miss your humor!
