Sunday, July 10, 2011

Final Day

Waking up at seven in the morning the group quickly brushed teeth and continued to walk to the waterfront from the hostel. Being Sunday, we had our weekly prayer service Al Walker has put together; with several readings and songs. We sat in the sand filled with crushed shells and watched the water change levels revealing curious black rocks peaking up their heads. After the service, the sun stood up from behind some trees as we discussed our highs of the trip. Students shared the ways the trip has changed them, what they enjoyed most, and what they plan to bring back to the states. Several commented on how happy they have become, finding wealth in self and not material things. As a wise man named Boesman once told us, "I have not had shoes for 15 years now, and I have never felt so rich!" Others discussed how they have not only experienced different places, but are taking back knowledge from each area.
With so much knowledge gained and perceptions changed, we depart from this beautiful city of Cape Town we have connected with on such a high level. Many plan to come back in the near future, and Joe Fitzpatrick has even started to plan his next trip. At three in the afternoon we head to the airport, and from their get to Johannesburg to switch planes. We stop in Senegal, Dakar to refuel then begin our cross over seas to the Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. to enjoy a 4 hour lay over. When we hear the gate for Salt Lake City is boarding, I think many of us will be hit by a train of realization, recovering what are now memories of our travels. Though as we walk through the tunnel and relax into our seats, we look to the oval window and know parents and friends await our arrival, expecting these memories to flourish through the valley.
Thank you parents for changing our lives, and blessing us with this amazing opportunity. All students would also like to thank all those who have helped this trip happen, especially David McMillan and his family, they have shared everything with us and have enriched our young minds. This is something none of us will ever forget.

Stephen Strehl

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